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Asunto: Judgement Day II: 112,000 Accounts Closed  MensajePublicado: 10 Jun, 2003 - 08:27 AM

6 posts


Miembro desde
04 Jun 2003
En el post del foro oficial:

GFrazier dice:

Diablo II Accounts Closed

Numerous additional accounts were tied to the use of a hack or cheat program while playing Diablo II on In keeping with our aggressive stance against cheating, we have permanently closed over 112,000 of these accounts and documented the CD keys with which they were used. Please note that repeat offenders risk having their CD keys disabled, which would result in permanent removal from for their copies of Diablo II.

We have also identified those accounts with which a "map-hack" program is being used. Map-hack programs give players who use them unfair advantages over other players. As with any third-party program, using them to affect play over violates our End User License Agreement. Accounts that continue to be used with a map-hack program are subject to closure, and the CD keys with which those accounts are being used could be disabled.

We will continue to monitor for cheating and take action as needed. To report additional instances of hacking or cheating, please contact us at [email protected]. A false report filed by one player against another will not result in the actions described above.

As always, thank you for your continued support; with your help we have been able to keep a fun and safe place to play Blizzard games.

Blizzard Entertainment

Nuevo golpe a los cheaters.

En otros posts, GFrazier indica claramente que detectan el MapHack y que lo reconocen como un hack y que se les aplica las mismas penas que a los que usan otros hacks. Así mismo dice que los que han reiterado con hacks no sólo se le banean cuentas sino la cdkey del juego.



Un saludo a todos.

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Asunto:   MensajePublicado: 10 Jun, 2003 - 08:40 AM

6 posts


Miembro desde
04 Jun 2003
En este otro post:

GFrazier dice:

Diablo II Account Closing Q&A

Will I get my account back?
No. Accounts taken for hacking will not be returned. All items on those characters were all destroyed and also will not be returned.

Did you make any mistakes?
We always investigate claims of innocence, however, we have yet to see any mistakes. When you see forum posts about someone who you might believe is innocent, we investigate and find their claims are false. Now we could come out and confirm that with every post, but that's not really necessary. The people who are posting know they were caught and why they were caught.

What about people saying they were legit?
What else are cheaters going to say? They only have a few options, from accepting that they were caught and did wrong, to lying about it and trying whatever they can to get their account back. If a person is willing to cheat, lying goes hand-in-hand.

Can you really detect map hackers?
Yes. You've been warned. If you are using this hack, stop now. Again, you've been warned.

Why didn't you catch everyone?
112,000 is a LOT of people/accounts. Please be thankful for this hard work to support the Diablo II community. Please also remember that we do plan on addressing hacked items further and that Diablo II 1.10 will have new anti-cheat code.

What about hacked items?
See answer to above question.

You got me but what about all these other people that do X?
Worry about yourself and your own actions. The issue is that you were caught cheating, not that someone else did whatever.

We're up to 243,000 accounts shut down for hacking/cheating. Please don't be one of them. Don't use hacks. Don't use cheats. Don't use 3rd party programs.

Congrats to everyone who has not cheated! Horray for legit gamers!

Creo que responde a todo.


Un saludo a todos.

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Asunto:   MensajePublicado: 10 Jun, 2003 - 08:41 AM

Gran Hechicero
81 posts

Gran Hechicero

Miembro desde
05 Jun 2003
y como detectan el maphack e?
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Asunto:   MensajePublicado: 10 Jun, 2003 - 09:01 AM

Elfo Supremo
275 posts

Elfo Supremo

Miembro desde
05 Jun 2003
-KaoS- escribió:
y como detectan el maphack e?

El maphack lo llevan detectando desde hace ya tiempo, el como lo hacen ?? pues ni idea (aunque se me ocurren cosas solo estaría especulando), pero lo cierto es que yo se que llevan detectando el mh desde hace tiempo, puesto que cuando hacen un escaneo (cada semana y media mas o menos) te banean, pero es un baneo que dura 3 o 4 dias y consiste en no poder jugar en partidas públicas con el resto de usuarios, de manera que solo puedes crear con contraseña para jugar con el resto de no banneds o bien si creas sin pass solo se te pueden unir al igual que tu solo ves partidas de baneados.
La putada de esto es que muchos usuarios de hardcore como yo usamos el maphack porque paradojicamente es la única manera de prevenir el mortal drophack que utilizan muchos lamers en duelos para bloquearte el pc y matarte durante el "time out", y a lo largo de mas de 1 año blizzard no ha podido o no ha querido parchear el bug que genera el drophack de manera que por cuestión de supervivencia mucha gente "legit" no ha tenido mas remedio que usar el map-hack para evitar ser asesinados por medio de este sucio truco. Esto a mi me ha costado 3 baneos a lo largo de 1 mes, y decir al respecto que en softcore estar baneado no es del todo grave ya que juega tantísima gente que cuando banean (como explicaba al principio, no de cd key sino baneo "light" de unirse a otras partys públicas durante 3 dias) se juntan muchísimas partidas de baneados y mucho de estos ni siquiera llegan a apreciar que lo están, cosa que no ocurre en hc donde si en hell normalmente no hay mas de 15 partidas, cuando te banean pasas a ver 1 sola o ninguna, aunque como decia solo dura 3 dias.
En fin.., Rolling Eyes

Saludos. Wink


SPecKa & The-BonZai

Krazy-BonZai ... 0nena%20:-
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Asunto:   MensajePublicado: 10 Jun, 2003 - 09:35 AM

6 posts


Miembro desde
04 Jun 2003
-KaoS- escribió:
y como detectan el maphack e?

Las interioridades de programación de no las conozco y menos a ese nivel, pero te remito a este post:

donde se dice lo siguiente:

Warning To Map Hack Users

We have also identified those accounts with which a "map-hack" program is being used. Map-hack programs give players who use them unfair advantages over other players. As with any third-party program, using them to affect play over violates our End User License Agreement. Accounts that continue to be used with a map-hack program are subject to closure, and the CD keys with which those accounts are being used could be disabled.

We know what you did last summer!

We can catch you. You have been warned.

Saca tus propias conclusiones, pero si dicen que lo detectan es que lo hacen, no son niños para ir metiendo miedo simplemente, sino la prueba son que siguen cumpliendo sus amenazas con los baneos de cuentas y cdkeys. La mejor política del miedo es crearlo de forma real y no especular, ¿tu crees que Blizzard especula con esto?. Espera a ver que según se deja ver en los foros oficiales también va a haber algo para los objetos no legit en base a un código que están probando, aunque esto de momento es sólo un rumor, mirad en el post:

que GFrazier dice:


Q u o t e:
Having all these accounts closed is great and all, but just look at the trade channels. They're still full of people whoring their Iths, Hexs and whatever other hacked junk they have.

We still intend to go after hack items and 1.10 has new anti-cheat code.

Bueno el tiempo dirá.


Un saludo a todos.

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